Lenguajes de Programación
From: mavega, 1 minute ago
Temas vistos durante primeras sesiones de la materia Lenguajes de Programación
The first true general- purpose electronic computer was the ENIAC, which was constructed at the
This concept was subsequently documented by Johann (John) von Neumann in his paper which is now known as the “First Draft of a reporte to the EDVAC” ( June, 1945). The computer structure resulting from the criteria presented in the "First Draft" is popularly known as a von Neumann Machine, and virtually all digital computers from that time forward have been based on this architecture.)
The basic elements of a stored program computer (von Neumann Machine’s architecture) are:
[1] http://www.maxmon.com/1946ad.htm
[2] Neveln, Bob. “Linux Assembly Language Programming” (2000) Prentice Hall PTR. N.J.